Crayfish (小龙虾) in China: A Popular Dish with a Corpse-Eating Past?

Same great flavor without the hassle!
PC: Baidu

Leap (Bull)frogging through History

Ad for the American Frog Canning Co. based in New Orleans
PC: Kevin Lightner,
Sacrebleu! Invaders!
PC: Francisco J. Oficialdegui,

In the Shōwa era (1926–89), crayfish catching was one of the most popular pastimes for Japanese children. All you had to do was tie a piece of squid, available from sweetshops, onto the end of a piece of string as bait and cast it into a pond or irrigation trench, and you could spend hours engrossed in fishing. Large in size and reddish black in color, the crustaceans were popular with children, and there was nothing like the excitement of getting a bite on the end of your line. Even now, one occasionally spots family groups trying to catch crayfish in ponds and parks. It’s always heartwarming to see a father triumphantly showing off his fishing skills to his kids.

Kawamoto Daigo,
You catch it, you keep it. Or eat it. Just don’t release it!
PC: Pixta
A statue at the Nanjing Massacre Museum
Crayfish in their natural habitat
PC: Baidu
A display at the 731 Museum in Harbin
Today, there are two towns vying for the title of China’s “Crayfish Capital”: Qianjiang in Hubei Province 湖北潜江  and Xuyi in Jiangsu Province 江苏盱眙. Whose cuisine will reign supreme?
PC: Baidu
  • In 2015, the city of Qianjian in Hubei Province claimed that every two out of three crayfish eaten in Europe can be traced to them. It’s fascinating that Sweden hosts a Summer Crayfish Festival every August, called Kräftskiva, with help from Chinese crayfish exports.
  • In 2016, Nearly 40% of crayfish exports out of China went to the United States, and, in ironic twist of fate, one of the largest US consumers of China’s crayfish is the state of Louisiana! Woa!
  • In 2017, China’s Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) stated that they were the world’s largest producer and exporter of crayfish, accounting for about 70% of the world’s total and worth about 42 billion USD.  
  • In 2021 China exported 9,863.46 tons of crayfish, an increase of 27% from 2020.
  • A professional crayfish taster in China makes about 300,000-600,000 yuan (about $44,632-89,264 U.S. dollars) annually. Tasters usually eat an average of 2-5 kg (4.4-11 lbs) of crayfish a day, recording the shape, color, and taste of each batch that comes off the production line.
Enjoying a plateful of summer crayfish and a basketful of bayberries with my colleague, Raina

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