
Chengdu is the capital of China’s Sichuan Province and one of my favorite places to visit. Many people specifically come for the pandas, but there is so much more to explore in this laid back city. I highly encourage everyone to walk through the historic areas, catch a Sichuan Opera show, and brave their fiery cuisine!

The Magic of Bad Chinese Taxidermy

No matter the size of a Chinese city, if it has a museum, chances are high that one is sure to find some funky-looking dead animals there!

Chengdu 成都: The “Special Flavor” of Sichuan food

Sichuan spice is no joke. Sichuan peppercorns are known for their mouth-numbing properties, while a plethora of other spicy ingredients can have sweat and tears running down your face. Thankfully, not all Sichuan-style dishes are so volatile, though! For those with lighter palates, Sichuan food can also be sweet, savory and refreshing.

Chengdu 成都: Land of Abundance

As the saying goes, those who enter the Sichuan area of China are susceptible to the persuasive charms of the lifestyle there: the slow-paced rhythm of work, the pleasant climate, the mouth-watering cuisine, the sounds of mahjong being played into the night…

Chengdu 成都: The Giant Panda Breeding and Research Base

The animal is puzzling. It does little to merit its popularity. In the wild, it spends all of its waking time wandering aimlessly to find food. Though it is a carnivore, there is little game where it lives, and the panda is not quick enough to catch it anyway. So it eats bamboo, and since…

Anniversary Sirens for the Great Sichuan Earthquake

I woke up this morning to an air raid siren and a woman’s voice issuing a countdown. Groggy and confused, I wondered if we were under attack. I looked out the window and saw cars driving down my busy intersection and figured that it must be a practice signal, like they do with the Amber…

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Tibet

“Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Sichuan Airlines” rang through our cabin as we all emitted a collective groan. You see, this was the second time today we had to sit through the preflight video. What had started out as a two hour flight from Chengdu turned into a seven hour-long voyage as ill weather halted…

About Me

Hi, I’m Steph. While working full-time as a literature and drama history teacher in China, I started this blog to share about my travel experiences and observations. Now, when I’m not spending time with my wonderful husband, I continue to write about travel, food, teaching, and identity politics. Read more

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